Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Starting Stats

I figured that since I am restarting this journey that I should probably list my stats so that in the end I will be able to see how far I have come.

Weight: 189.6

I am going to continue to do weight watchers, and I will post every week on the days that I weigh in so that I can reflect on my week and the result from the weigh in.


Work out four times a week
Lose 15 pounds by March 1st
Track EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth
This picture made me realize that I hate how I look, almost a year later I still look pregnant and I really need to step up and DO something about it.


  1. I am sorry you have had such a heartbreaking loss in your life. I can't wait to follow along with your weight loss and new healthy lifestyle! Here's to a brighter New Year!

  2. Setting goals is the key to success. You are well on your way!
